What's Growing in the Monmouth Community Garden?
Wow! August already?! How did that happen?
The Monmouth Community Garden is about ready to burst for it's 4th consecutive year. Located on the fertile lawn of the Bates Mill Store, the MCG consists of twenty 10' x 20' plots that are planted and maintained by a crew of enthusiastic local gardeners during the summer months. It's around this point in the season that everything starts to go wild! We're excited to share photos of just a small portion of what's growing in the garden this year.
1. Flowers
The garden isn't only for vegetables. We've got some beautiful flowers going this season, including a bright patch of sunflowers for all those driving by to enjoy.
2. Peppers
It's been a hot and humid summer in Maine, perfect for growing bell and hot peppers alike!
3. Tomatoes
No garden is complete without some of these beasts. At this time in the season, most are easily 4-5 feet tall (or more!) and spilling out of their cages. Not many red fruits yet, but soon there will be more than anyone knows what to do with!
Many people know about canning salsa or like to make it fresh, but if you're looking to try something new and perhaps learn a new kitchen skill, you can also ferment the spicy stuff. Sound gross? A cool recipe might change your mind. We're excited about giving this fermented salsa recipe from Cultures for Health a shot.
4. Zucchini
Of course, you've got to have zucchini. And more zucchini. Oh, and what's that I see? Another zucchini...
6. Winter Squash
For all those long, cold months when a mouthful of roasted squash or warm squash soup is pure heaven. These babies have a long way to "grow" (ha ha ha...bad pun alert) but they're coming along nicely!
7. Herbs and Spices
Perfect to use fresh, or to dry to use all winter long.
8. Broccoli
Some beautiful crowns of broccoli are just starting to look ready to harvest.
We hope you enjoyed seeing what's growing as much as we enjoy hosting the garden and watching its progress throughout the season! If you are interested in being involved in the Monmouth Community Garden next year (2019, yikes!) please feel free to stop in the Bates Mill Store to enquire.
If you have any favorite recipes incorporating fresh garden produce, please share them in the comments below!